Feldenkrais Method®
Moshe Feldenkrais was a scientist, philosopher and martial artist who saw in physical movement an open window to understand the human condition. He understood that for each attitude there corresponds not only an emotional state, but also a general pattern of all the muscles of the body and that it is not possible to change behaviours without changing the muscular patterns that correspond to them.
Therefore, the Feldenkrais Method® is a practice of physical education addressing the nervous system’s ability ‘to generate new responses to the external stimulus’, which means, ‘to learn’. This is described by science as neuro-plasticity, referring to how the nervous system can adapt and develop beyond the usual development period of childhood.
Another basic function of the nervous system is creating habits. That means stabilising and fixing responses for conservation of energy in the organism. Some habits are useful because they help us function in the world, others though, are dysfunctional, compulsive and are the origin of pain and organic weakness.
The Feldenkrais method is designed for you to become aware of your habits and create new alternatives. In such a way that instead of focusing on discarding existing ‘bad’ habits, you discover in yourself new patterns of moving, imagining, thinking and feeling. This happens not in a corrective or prescriptive way but in a curious, investigative one… and here comes the magic word: PLAY! The attitude of playing encompasses the most essential features present in creative and learning processes.
In short, Feldenkrais allows you to generate more choices and freedom to change and reinvent yourself in any stage of your life.